这些是葡萄牙里斯本的一个艺术家集団“Urban Dialogue 城市对话”群展的照片,我与”Urban Dialogue”已合作了9年。我也去了里斯本准备展览。
Urban Dialogues
Amy Bassin – 纽约,美国
Aditi Kulkarni – 浦那,印度
Frie J. Jacobs – Zoersel,比利时
Hidemi Shimura – 所沢,日本
Sonia Gil – 里约热内卢,巴西
Uma Ray – 加尔各答,印度
Jana Hunterová – 布拉格,捷克共和国
策展人 – Sonia Gil
联合策展人 – Mark Blickley
会场: Espaço Espelho D´água 展览空间 里斯本,葡萄牙 http://espacoespelhodeagua.com/
我们的展览反映了由来自世界各地的好奇的国际艺术家通过流动和思想流动的潮流和溪流推动塔霍河的全球航行。里斯本曾经是世界上最大的航海探索之都,已成为21世纪四大洲艺术家集団,URBAN DIALOGUES -城市对话- 的舰队。
以EspaçoEspelhod’Água的美食为主,与东西方的包容性和独特风味相呼应,Urban Dialogues艺术家们结合了不同的文化和想法,通过声音和图像的大海提供创造性的作品,反映出这种过多的异国情调,专注于我们的差异和相似之处。
Urban Dialogues是一群来自不同城市和文化的艺术家,他们尝试着合作,弥合他们的全球多样性和艺术相似性。
URBAN DIALOGUES 艺术家们都通过艺术家社交网站相遇,聚集在一起并使用虚拟工具开发作品。
Exhibition space Espaço Espelho D’Água
It’s a great space at Tejo riverside
Our collabolation work, “Pouring Water” music score installation
Consist of some each exhibiting artist’s work including a video work by Jana Hunterová and sound by Frie J. Jacobs – Zoersel, Belgium.
A poem SAME SEA on above dedicated to this exhibition by Frie J. Jacobs.
When you see yourself
as a little boat on a river
and the river is getting bigger
you flow with the water as
the opposite direction
is impossible to go
You have no paddles
stuck in bushes by the shore
meet uncertain peril
as well as soothing harmony
and all things in between
Within a river’s stream of life
no life is the same, even if floated
alongside the world’s population
We all have to flux our own river
into tributaries that anchor us
to the same body of water
The waves of the estuary
are almost no waves
they are slower
therefore more beautiful
In the end
all the rivers mix and swirl into a
sea of similarity.
Each artist express their “River” as an artwork.
From left, Uma Ray – Kolkata, India, Jana Hunterová – Prague, Czech Republic, Aditi Kulkarni – Pune, India, Amy Bassin – New York, USA
From right, Hidemi Shimura – Tokorozawa, Japan (mine), Sonia Gil – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Frie J. Jacobs – Zoersel, Belgium
Frie’s very sensitive work.
My work made by Japanesepaper, threads and photographs from Suzhou, China.
Close up of my work
Our collabolation work, “Pouring Water” music score installation
Amy Bassin – New York, USA
Aditi Kulkarni – Pune, India
Hidemi Shimura – Tokorozawa, Japan (mine)
Frie J. Jacobs – Zoersel, Belgium
Sonia Gil – Rio de Janeiro
Uma Ray – Kolkata, India
A part from video work by Jana Hunterová – Prague, Czech Republic (sound by Frie J. Jacobs – Zoersel, Belgium)
A work by a secret anonymous artist “Broc Bama” who contributed to our exhibition.
Our indivisual works
Hidemi Shimura – Tokorozawa, Japan (mine) “Boundaries -wave-”
Hidemi Shimura – Tokorozawa, Japan (mine) “Boundaries -swirl wave-”
My individual artworks
Uma Ray – Kolkata, India
Amy Bassin – New York, USA
Jana Hunterová – Prague, Czech Republic
Frie J. Jacobs – Zoersel, Belgium
Sonia Gil – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Aditi Kulkarni – Pune, India
Some photos from opening
Some photos from opening
Some photos from opening
Group shot of exhibiting artists
Espaço Espelho d’Água at night
Espaço Espelho d’Água’s gastronomy restaurant
Vertical garden
Espaço Espelho d’Água also provide quite nice foods. Traditional dish of dried cod fish, potato and kale.
Pork with couscous
Chicken with couscous
Vegetarian noodle