ランカウイ島 No.7 テラガハーバー Langkawi, Malaysia -Telaga Harbour Park-

ランカウイ島 No.7 テラガハーバー Langkawi, Malaysia -Telaga Harbour Park-  Hidemi Shimura


The Roafは親日家として知られるマハティール元首相がオーナーの日本式ベーカリー、ここではパン以外にもイタリアンやタイ・マレーシア料理も食べられます。


すぐ近くにはThe Danna Resortというなぜかややアールデコ風のホテルがあり、テラガハーバーの駐車場の横あたりにホテルのオーナー宅があるのですがこちらはなぜかアラブ風です。どちらも白壁が美しいセンスの良い建物です。

Telaga Harbour is a harbour of cruiser and yachts on the western side of Langkawi. There are some open-air restaurant in front of the Harbor. Travelers with a cruiser stay here temporarily.

The Roaf is a Japanese style bakery, the owner is former prime minister Mahathir, known as Japanophile. They also serve Thailand, Malaysia and Italian foods as well.

There are also Spanish, Mexican, Russian and seafood Chinese restaurant, you can dine overlooking the harbor.

There is a kind of Art Deco style hotel “The Danna Resort” near the harbour. And there is the hotel owner’s house next to car parking of Teraga Harbour, for some reason this house is designed in Arabic-style. Both of these buildings are good design with beautiful white wall.